Sartorial Style Resolutions
It’s a brand new year. It’s time to promise yourself that you’re only going to eat one gluten-free, artisanal, single source, cake batter donut a week and you’re definitely going to hit the gym more and take at least three wheat grass shots a month. We know you’re a champion and will definitely do all of this stuff, but we also think you should add some style resolutions to your New Year’s festivities:
1. Resolve to gussy up your oxford collection – the oxford has been a wardrobe staple for over a century with good reason: it’s flexible, the fabric is comfortable and the look is timeless. Make 2016 the year you move beyond blue and white oxfords. Add the Worthington Oxford or the Blue Kemper shirt to your rotation this year.
2. Resolve to wear better shoes – if you own any sort of plastic clog, fabric shoe with exposed seam or anything that would look at home on a skateboard, throw them out…now. Buy something sleek with a leather sole. Pick up these Plain Toe Bluchers from Alden (exclusive to Need Supply) or the Wesley Oxfords from Nisolo if you want to feel good about your purchase.
3. Resolve to ditch mall brand khakis – khakis used to be boring. Khakis used to be shackled by business casual dress codes and the defacto cubicle uniform, but no more! It could be said that 2015 was the year of the premium khaki. Make 2016 the year you jump on board with this trend. Our Richmond Canvas Pant in Brown can get you started.
4. Resolve to accessorize – Cufflinks, you need them. Do you have them? Get them in 2016 if not. Pick up a subtle jewelry piece like a brass railroad spike cuff from Giles & Brother. Resolve not to overdo it, though, unless you look like Jack Sparrow or work in an industry without desks and regular hours. Less is more with accessories.
5. Resolve to upgrade your flannel – it’s time. Yes that flannel you found at the thrift for $2.50 is amazing, but it’s got holes, it smells funny and your partner hates to be seen with it in public (no matter what they say.) Keep the ratty, old flannel for washing the car or dog, but do the rest of us a favor and upgrade this year. The Huntington Flannel can be your first step into a larger world, and it has a shortened body so you can wear it untucked without looking slobbish. A premium flannel will fit properly and come off the hanger as soft as the one you should have thrown out five years ago.
Greg Houser is a Richmond, VA-based journalist and menswear enthusiast who runs social and content for Visit Richmond. For more style tips and inspiration, follow Greg on Instagram.